Heartland is one of the most watched family drama television series produced in Canada and broadcast on CBC in Canada and UPtv in the United States. The show revolves around the Fleming family who own a ranch called Heartland located in Alberta, Canada. Currently, millions of viewers follow the plot of this clean-souled series that tells about the life of a ranch, and many of them have the desire to watch Heartland knowing on which Dish Network Heartland is.
Heartland is shown on the UPtv network, UPtv is on Dish Network channel 188 and in High Definition. This channel is available under Dish America package and other higher packages of Dish network. Therefore, if you are subscribed to Dish America, Top 120, Top 200, Top 250, or any other package with a higher number, you should be able to find UPtv on channel 188, and thereby watch Heartland on Dish Network.
Information about the Television Program Heartland
Heartland is one of the oldest one-hour drama series in Canada. It started in 2007, and the show is in its 15th season in Canada, been aired under CBC. Currently, the aired seasons in the United States include seasons 1 through 13 on UPtv. The 14th season was aired at UPtv channel starting from January, 2022.
The show is an adaptation of the Heartland book series by Lauren Brooke and focuses on the life of Amy Fleming (played by Amber Marshall) who faces numerous challenges on the family’s farm after the death of her mother. Amy possesses the magic touch, as she is able to help fix a sick or mistreated horse on the Heartland ranch with tips from her mother. Every episode features Amy rescuing a new horse in distress.
Throughout the years, Heartland has accumulated a significant audience that enjoys the show. Viewers look forward to each episode to identify which horse Amy is going to perform her magic on. They also like the close family relationship between Amy her grandfather Jack Bartlett Shaun Johnston her father Tim Fleming Chris Potter and her sister Lou Fleming Michelle Morgan. An important aspect of the show, is Amy’s complicated on-going triangle; there are plenty of dramatic shenanigans to go around to support the heartfelt times when horses are being healed.
Why Fans Love Heartland
There are several reasons why Heartland continues to be beloved by fans even after 15 seasons on the air:
Great looks of Alberta and movie visuals - The actual shooting on a real live ranch offered magnificent sights of mountain and prairie regions. The audience gets a sense of being in front of the lovely Heartland ranch.
I was a big fan of how much the Fleming family goes through and they are very realistic characters. It seems like viewers are personally involved with the characters’ lives.
Positivity within themes and plots – Heartland is a family-oriented show with no scenes of violence or foul language, nor sexual content. Such a show is safe for kids, and parents can have their kids watching it comfortably.
Horses! - Animal lovers wait to watch programs where horses that are in distress are given a new home and are treated well. The relations of the horses with human beings touch the very core of emotions.
Comfort viewing - The show Heartland is comforting to many of its diehard fans, who make it a habit to watch this show at regular intervals. Besides, it brings them back to a simple age and zone every week.
Heartland has endearing characters, beautiful shots of country sides, special horses and, of course, tight-knit families, making it the perfect show for audiences who want to watch something that is family friendly with no hint of scandals or controversies. It has also become easier for the Dish Network Television viewers to watch this favorite show every week on channel 188 HD. Consult the program listing for specific airing times.