The action/adventure television show Fall Guy was on the ABC network from 1981 to 1986, the show starred Lee Majors. The show was about Colt Seavers, a Hollywood stuntman who also doubled as a bounty hunter to make some cash on the side. Together with his cousin Howie (Douglas Barr) and a stuntwoman on the show Jody (Heather Thomas), Colt would nab bail jumpers and deliver them to justice while having all kinds of adventure and tomfoolery.
The show is fun, the plots are great, the characters are likable, and with scenes showing Hollywood in the backdrop, Fall Guy was a hit show when it was on air for five seasons. Since the television show went off the air, it has been able to gain new followers even up to this generation. If you want to watch and enjoy this classic 80s program, here's where you can find it:
All of the episodes in Fall Guy were released in DVD format between 2009 and 2010. There are 112 episodes in this set and they are all separated by season and available in all 25 discs in their original full-frame picture and stereo sound. The DVD sets were issued by Mill Creek Entertainment and could be bought on Amazon and in other shops online at reasonable prices. This is the best way to own and rewatch episodes at one’s own convenient time.
Digital Purchase
While Fall Guy is available for purchase as single episodes or the entire series to own on DVDs, it is also possible to purchase the series in digital format from sites such as Amazon Video, iTunes, Vudu, and Google Play. This is in line with the DVD releases, which are usually in the range of $10 per season or $30 for the entire series. Buying the shows in this manner enables one to watch them whenever they want on compatible devices. The picture quality is average but not usually improved and is generally as good as the video quality.
This way, users in the USA can watch 70 episodes of Fall Guy for free through the ad-supported streaming service Tubi TV. The selection is not every episode but you still get a good portion of the show to watch for free that is if you are not willing to cough a few bucks for the complete package. All it takes is signing up for a Tubi account which is free and then you can watch the episodes on the apps and devices that Tubi is compatible with.
Pluto TV
Another free streaming platform that is available for Fall Guy is Pluto TV. Their On-Demand section and Channel 528 known as “Pluto TV Action” include episodes of the show as part of movies and other series that air on the channel. All you have to do is create an account and you can watch through internet browsers or applications like Roku with no charges at all. Availability may vary depending on the location in the world.
IMDb TV is Amazon's free streaming platform that can be accessed as an application or through Amazon Prime Video. It offers a variety of Fall Guy episodes that you can watch for free but with advertisements in case you don’t mind them. Sign in with your Amazon account to start watching content on supported devices.
Over-the-Air Diginets
Local DISH NETWORK such as MeTV and Charge! are transmitted through television airwaves. adaptations are prevalent and broadcast networks include reruns of Fall Guy in their TV schedules. So if you have an antenna connected to your TV or converter box, look for one of these digits in the channel listings and you might find episodes airing at these time slots, usually late at night on weekends. The availability of their services depends on their location and working hours.
The DVD or Digital purchase option provides the most flexible options for where and when episodes can be watched. However, shows like Tubi, Pluto TV, and over-the-air channels are free, but they come with commercials or they are not a full season. With such choices now available, it’s about time that everyone can get into the world of Colt Seavers regardless of the price.