HughesNet is one of the oldest and well-known satellite internet services providers that offer its services to clients who do not have access to cable/fiber optic internet service. Given the frequency at which people use streaming services such as Netflix, one might wonder if it is possible to use HughesNet in this process. The short answer is yes, but there are some caveats that we’ll outline below so you can decide whether HughesNet satellite internet will be sufficient for your needs if you plan on binge-watching Netflix.
How Netflix Works
However, it is critical to give a brief description of how Netflix works before delving into the details of watching it on satellite internet. When you stream Netflix, your device needs to do two main things:
- When watching a specific movie/show with friends, obtain the data from Netflix’s servers.
- Watch the content in the video on the screen of your device
The download speed indicates how fast your device can download the video data and the individual play out of the video streams at your device after downloading the video data in parcels.
This is important to understand because the internet provided by satellite is usually limited by its download speed, and problems during the playback of the video is unlikely.
HughesNet Speeds
The HughesNet Gen5 plans currently offer the following speed tiers:
- 10-25 Mbps
- 25-50 Mbps
These advertise maximum possible download speeds at a particular Wi-Fi channel. However, as with most satellite internet services, HughesNet internet speeds are regulated by a set amount of “high-speed data,” or the amount of data that can be consumed per month.
This means that once you cross your data limit, your connection speeds are reduced to abnormally slow speeds ranging from 1-3 Mbps for the remaining duration of your monthly bill. One of the most important rules to follow to get satisfied with Netflix is to avoid throttling.
Experience the true essence of Netflix by streaming it with full HughesNet speed.
More specifically, if you are on HughesNet internet and you’re using your monthly data allowance, then you should be able to stream Netflix without any issues when your internet speeds are at full uncapped.
This is the streaming speed necessary to watch SD level video, which Netflix itself suggests customers should achieve; the required speed of 3. 0 Mbps is necessary to watch videos of HD quality. Thus, as can be seen, even the lowest HughesNet Gen5 plan of 10 Mbps base offers sufficient maximum speed capability to deliver Netflix without issues.
The only catch is that the 10-25 Mbps plans are accompanied by a provision of only 20-50GB of high-speed data usage per month. To put this into perspective, HD video can use up to 3GB of data per hour and if one is to stream videos constantly, the data allowance for a month can be used up almost instantly.
Dealing with Data Caps
To avoid sudden, drastic speed throttling from going over your data limit when watching Netflix with HughesNet, there a few basic options:To avoid sudden, drastic speed throttling from going over your data limit when watching Netflix with HughesNet, there a few basic options:
1. Hear is how growing a business can lead to the need to upgrade to a more expensive plan.
These upper-tier 50GB 25-50 Mbps plans offer customers more than double of this high-speed data. However, such plans are offered at $129. 99/month or higher.
2. Limit Video Quality
Limiting Netflix’s quality to 480p SD manually when possible do not hurt streaming significantly on smaller screen devices while preserving data usage.
3. Supplement with Off-Peak Data
HughesNet has a feature called “Bonus Zone” under which subscribers get 50GB of additional data at night when most of the internet usage is minimal. Downloading films or streaming sessions that are big in size, at this time can help one watch more Netflix content before the principal data quota is used up.
4. Buy More High-Speed Data
If all else fails, there are also pricey data token that costs $9. 99 $49. 99 for 10-50GBs. Just as you can purchase additional minutes on a mobile phone, you can buy additional computing ‘minutes’ on the Internet.
Overall Experience
Although streaming limited Netflix without interruption round the clock is almost impossible with the current capped satellite data plans, it is, in most cases, possible to watch reasonable amounts of Netflix video in a month without any hitch if one incorporates some of the above options.
The only thing that you have to be very cautious with is your data usage and try to change the quality of videos or the frequency of streaming before your monthly allowance is up. Going over your cap results in a painfully slow connection, any attempt at streaming video is nearly unwatchable until the next billing cycle. As long as HughesNet users can effectively plan his/her usage of limited data allowance, it becomes a viable means of getting on-demand entertainment in rural areas where cable or fiber broadband connections are non-existent.