Ghosts is a new American television sitcom that deals with the supernatural theme and was released on the CBS SPORTS channel in October of 2021. The show is about a young couple who come to live in a country house that they have inherited from the husband’s great uncle only to come across several unusual ghosts that are from diverse periods in history. Ghosts has now been a massive success in the ratings for CBS because of the various characters and the situational comedy that is portrayed in the series.
If you’re interested in watching this funny and charming show about the living sharing a home with the dead, here’s where you can find Ghosts to watch:
As Ghosts is a CBS original comedy show, the easiest channel to watch the show is from the CBS Television Network. New episodes are aired on Thursdays from 9 to 8 pm on the CBS channel. If you have a cable package that includes the CBS channel, you may want to tune in on Thursday nights and watch them as they are aired live.
However, if you have cable, you can also watch episodes on-demand through a service provided by your cable provider known as CBS On Demand. For the most part, the episodes that air on CBS are available for streaming on their website and the CBS app without needing a pay TV login, and for the most part, only the most recent episodes are made available. Previous episodes ask for account credentials for the TV provider.
The best method for watching previous and current episodes of Ghosts is by watching them on the streaming platform Paramount+. Since being the streaming platform for CBS shows, Paramount+ allows users to watch all episodes of Ghosts at their convenience once they have aired on CBS.
A monthly free trial is followed by a monthly subscription of $4. 99 for the ‘Essential with Ads’ plan. There is a $9. 99 Premium subscription which removes adverts, and allows live access to your local CBS station to watch new episodes of Ghosts. Ghost can be watched for free during the trial period as Paramount+ provides new users with a trial period.
Ghosts isn’t available on Netflix or Prime Video, but the show can be watched on Hulu. Prior and existing seasons of Ghosts are available for watching for those who have subscribed to Hulu with ads for $6. 99 per month or ad-free Hulu (No Ads) plan.
Therefore, if you also tune in to Hulu for other content, you can also stream all the episodes of Ghosts through on-demand streaming without using Paramount+.
Ghosts is not available on other popular rival platforms such as HBO Max as of now. However, other programs of CBS can be watched by subscribers, including the original British version of Ghosts which was used to develop the American show. Thus viewers who are still waiting for new episodes of CBS Ghosts or simply want to get their dose of British Ghosts can do it now.
Purchase Episodes/Seasons
If you wish to own Ghosts online so that you can watch it anytime, you are at liberty to buy full seasons, episodes, or even select individual episodes. These episodes and other full seasons of the episodes can be purchased from different retailers such as Amazon Video, Apple TV, Google Play, and Vudu as soon as the day after they are aired on CBS.
The price range of the service varies and goes to $1. 99-$2. 99 per SD episode, $2. 99-$3. 99 per HD episode, $14. 99-$19. 99 for a full season pass. Thus, this option enables you to purchase only individual episodes or the entire edition, which would be free from commercials.
It will also be available for purchase from the online marketplace a little later in the form of DVDs and Blu-ray set for season 1 of Ghosts. When it is out you can get disc copies of the Ghosts to have it in one's personal collection of media. Networks like NBC, CBS, and FOX will air them and retailers like Amazon and Target will sell the box sets later on.
Thus, although you are unable to watch Ghosts on Netflix or any other streaming platforms to this date, unfortunately, the best places to watch new and old episodes of this show include CBS and Paramount+. And Hulu or buying digital copies gives more access as well. Thankfully, as Netflix has already renewed Mindy Kaling’s show for Season 2, people will be able to laugh at this comical ghost comedy for years to come.