How will weather affect my Viasat Internet service?

  • Posted on: 30 Sep 2023
    How will weather affect my Viasat Internet service?

  • Imagine you are in the midst of a crucial video conference and your Viasat Internet connection begins to behave strangely. One becomes somewhat comfortable with buffering, latency, and lost connections. Before you start blaming your service provider, it's important to realize that Viasat's performance depends much on the weather.

    We will explore in great detail in this extensive article how weather could affect your Viasat Internet connection. We will discuss the physics behind it, provide doable advice to help you minimize weather-related interruptions, and answer some frequently asked questions (FAQ) to guarantee you maximize your satellite internet connection, rain or shine.

    Understanding the Basics of Viasat Internet

    Let's first quickly go over Viasat Internet's operation before delving into the influence of weather. Deliverable via a network of satellites in geostationary orbit above the Earth's surface, Viasat is a satellite internet service provider The procedure is roughly broken up here:

    1. Your need for internet data moves from your PC to a satellite dish set at your location.
    2. The satellite dish feeds the data to a Viasat satellite circling over 22,300 miles above the Earth.
    3. The satellite returns to Earth sending the data to a ground station there.
    4. From the ground station, the data is sent to the internet and the desired information is then delivered back via the same mechanism.

    Where standard cable or DSL internet is not accessible, this satellite-based internet service provides coverage to rural and distant places. But because Viasat Internet depends on signals moving great distances throughout space, different atmospheric conditions—including weather—may have an impact.

    How Weather Affects Viasat Internet

    Rain Fade

    "Rain fades" or signal attenuation is one of the most often occurring weather-related problems Viasat Internet customers might run into. Rain fade is the process by which satellite signals are absorbed and scattered by raindrops moving from the satellite to the ground station and vice versa. A less dependable and poorer internet connection might follow from this dispersion.

    • Energy Counts: The strength of the rain will determine how much rain fade affects your Viasat Internet service. While strong downpours might cause major signal loss, light rain may just cause little disturbance.
    • Location Matters: Depending on where people live, rain fade may or not affect them. Frequent and heavy rain-fall areas are more prone to this problem.

    Viasat employs signal strength changes and sophisticated technologies to help offset the impacts of rain fade. It is important to realize, nevertheless, that some service outages might still happen during extreme storms.

    Snow and Ice

    Viasat Internet subscribers may suffer difficulties in areas where snow and ice are prevalent when these meteorological events gather on their satellite dish. Snow and ice may either obstruct or distort the signals passing between the satellite and the dish.

    • Accumulation: Snow and ice may throw off the alignment and block the signal channel as it builds on the surface of the dish, therefore slowing down speeds or even rendering the connection completely lost.
    • Melting and Refreezing: Snow or ice left on the dish could melt during the day and refreeze overnight, therefore possibly damaging the equipment mechanically.

    Install the satellite dish somewhere less prone to gathering snow and ice if you want to solve this problem. Frequent snow and ice clearance may also aid in maintaining a consistent connection throughout winter.

    Fog and Clouds

    Though to a smaller degree than rain and snow, fog and strong cloud cover may affect Viasat's Internet connection. Slower internet speeds and sporadic outages follow from clouds' attenuation of satellite signals.

    • Frequency Matters: For its satellite broadcasts, Viasat employs a designated frequency range; certain frequencies are more prone than others to cloud interference. Usually, cloud cover influences higher frequencies more strongly.
    • Periodic Effect: Your internet connection usually suffers periodic and transient fluctuations depending on fog and clouds. Your connection should revert to normal as the clouds break up.

    Thunderstorms and Lightning

    With their related lightning strikes, thunderstorms may endanger satellite internet installations. The satellite dish and associated equipment may be damaged or destroyed by lightning strikes, therefore rendering total loss of service.

    • Surge Protectors: Using surge protectors and grounding systems can help guard your electronics. These may enable the safe diversion of lightning strikes away from your satellite dish.
    • Power Outages: Although your equipment is undamaged, thunderstorms may also create power outages, therefore affecting the availability of your internet access.

    Although Viasat is working to protect its equipment against lightning strikes, users also need to exercise care.

    Wind and Satellite Alignment

    Particularly if your satellite dish is not properly installed, strong gusts might cause misalignment of it. Should the dish stray from alignment, signal loss may follow and recalibration may become necessary.

    • Correct Installation: Ensuring that your satellite dish is firmly anchored and appropriately mounted can help avoid alignment problems connected with winds.
    • Regular Maintenance: Frequent dish alignment checks and adjustments assist in keeping the internet connection constant, especially after major weather events.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Q1. Can I use Viasat Internet during a thunderstorm?

    A1. It's not advisable to use Viasat Internet during a thunderstorm due to the risk of lightning strikes. Power surges and outages can also affect your service.

    Q2. Will my Viasat Internet service be affected by cloudy days?

    A2. Cloudy days can cause temporary slowdowns, but they generally have a lesser impact compared to heavy rain or snow.

    Q3. How can I protect my satellite dish from snow and ice buildup?

    A3. Clearing snow and ice from your dish regularly and installing it in a location less prone to accumulation can help prevent disruptions.

    Q4. What should I do if my satellite dish gets misaligned in the wind?

    A4. If your dish gets misaligned due to strong winds, you may need to recalibrate it. Contact Viasat customer support for guidance.

    Q5. Is rain fade covered by Viasat's service agreement?

    A5. Viasat's service agreement typically covers equipment maintenance and replacements but may not offer compensation for temporary disruptions due to rain fade.


    In essence, Viasat Internet is vulnerable to several weather-related problems even if it offers a useful connection choice for those living in rural and far-off places. Your satellite internet connectivity might suffer depending on rain fading, snow, and ice buildup, cloud cover, thunderstorms, and wind.

    Install your satellite dish correctly, use surge protectors, and schedule routine maintenance to guarantee you have a consistent Viasat Internet connection independent of the weather. Furthermore, knowing the fundamental ways in which weather influences your service will enable you to control expectations under trying circumstances.

    Recall that Viasat is always striving to enhance its technologies and reduce the effects of disturbances connected to the weather. Should you ever run into major problems with your service, don't hesitate to call Viasat's customer support  for direction and help.

    No matter what Mother Nature has in store, you can enjoy a more consistent and trustworthy Viasat Internet experience by keeping informed and acting proactively.

    Are you wondering how weather conditions can impact your Viasat Internet service? Don't let rain, snow, or storms slow you down. Contact our expert team at (844) 778-1116 for personalized insights and solutions.


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